When Michelle was first diagnosed with mBC seven years ago, she didn’t know what her life would look like. She is now focused on sharing her story with the intent to bring more awareness and attention to the experience of Black, Indigenous and People of Colour living with mBC.

“The experience of living with mBC is different for everyone. For me, the underrepresentation of Black women in the breast cancer community is something that I hope to improve by sharing my own story and encouraging others to feel confident to share theirs – so that they feel truly empowered to make the most of their every day.”
mBC Moments
Get to know more of our Most Makers and the moments most special to them.
Laura doesn’t shy away from sharing her story, nor does she shy away from living her life.
Jeff’s wife, Samantha, passed away of mBC, and Jeff was there for her every step of the way.
When diagnosed with mBC, Mei-Lin went into autopilot mode, but then she realized what was most important to her.